Właśnie ktoś miał problem, bo skasował sobie konto razem z całą pocztą i nigdzie nie miał backupu.
Przetestowaliśmy poniższe rozwiązanie i działa, więc ku pamięci:
- Closed Windows Live Email.
- Made a backup copy of C:\Users\Philu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail and also of C:\Users\Philu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail (not sure if that second directory is needed but I did it too, just to be safe).
- Made a System Restore Point.
- Downloaded and installed ShadowExplorer.
- Selected the most recent time in the Toolbar button.
- In the navigation pane, navigated to C:\Users\Philu\AppData\Local\Microsoft.
- Right-clicked on Windows Live Mail and exported it to a temporary directory.
- Did the same for the Windows Mail directory.
- Closed ShadowExplorer.
- Opened Windows Explorer.
- Cut C:\Users\Philu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail and alsoC:\Users\Philu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail and pasted them into another backup directory.
- Moved my exported copies of Windows Live Mail and Windows Mail from steps 7 and 8 into C:\Users\Philu\AppData\Local\Microsoft.
- Opened Windows Live Mail.
All my mail was back!